Probus is a club for retired and semi-retired business and professional men living in Teignmouth or Shaldon.
Currently we meet at 10 am on the first and third Wednesday of every month except during summer period at Richard Newton Hall Higher Buckeridge Road Teignmouth TQ14 8QP. (New Road Area Community Association - NRACA)
During the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic we continued our meeting using "Zoom" video conferencing system, which was very successful, and our secretary John Polley became very proficient in the use of Zoom. He also communicated with presenters to allow them to use the system. We also used the "break - out" facilities on Zoom, where members were allowed to have a chat before the presentation. All in all it was a great success and members from other Probus clubs, who were not using Zoom, requested to attend our meetings. We had an average of about 25 at each meeting. Should there be restrictions on holding gatherings we will again revert to using Zoom, but let's hope there is no need.
The meeting starts at 10:30. After coffee and after dealing with any club business, we are entertained by a guest speaker. Refer to "List of Presentations" on this website.
Further information may be obtained from the Hon Secretary by sending an email to [email protected].