AGM 17th January 2024
Press Officer Rick Purnell writes ….
All Change at the Top…
David Kirk (former Treasurer) stepped up to the plate being installed by outgoing Chairman Steve Battersby as 2024’s Teignmouth Probus club’s Chairman, at the Club’s AGM on Wednesday 17th January.
Our new Chairman Dave Kirk, retired as the Torbay Council’s Property Officer, with hobbies of DIY, U3A, Rambling and Shooting.
Other officers appointed were: John Pearce as Vice-Chairman, Reappointments, John Polley as Secretary, John Reynolds as Treasurer, Terry Jackson as Speaker Finder, David Head as Almoner plus new to office, Chris Inch.
The members respected the passing of 5 members, Terry Rogers (Past Chairman), Derrick Awcock (Past Treasurer), Mike Castell (Registrar), and Life members Ray Gregory & Bill Kerr, all sadly missed.
Four new members joined us in 2023, Andrew Crook, Hugh Cumiskey, Tony Bile and Ian Dodds. New members always welcome.
2023 was another very successful year, with an amusing limerick from the chair at each of our 18 interesting speaker meetings, the Christmas Luncheon hosted by Trade Winds, Teignmouth plus 2 outside visits to Torre Abbey, House & Gardens & the Norman Lockyer Observatory in Seaton with a tour of Exeter Cathedral from crypt to rooftops later this year.
Our Speaker Finder Terry Jackson, outlined another full list of interesting speakers for 2024 ranging from local history – Haldon Belvedere and the Teignmouth Orangery to the work of the local Magistracy and what happened after police use a firearm.
The next meeting is on 7th February at Richard Newton Hall Community Centre 10:00am. Our speaker is Roger Hamilton talking about “Living on the Edge”.