Darts Match with Darts (27th Sept.2022)
recorded by Rick Purnell
The Kings Arms, French Street played host to Teignmouth Probus club’s fun darts match last Thursday.
John Pearce (Probus Committee) had the idea and after calling on Dart & Partners, Estate Agents to sponsor the trophies (and put up a team) with the help of Chairman Malcolm Adams and Past Chairman Keith Underhill (Teignmouth Trade Association), the event brought in more teams from the Kings Arms, Oliver J Knapman, Funeral Directors, Teignmouth Social Club (ex British Legion Club) and The Jolly Sailor Inn.
Following a ‘round robin’ on two boards, finalist emerged – The Jolly Sailor and most unexpectedly the host Teignmouth Probus Club team. The Jolly Sailors’ ran down the count very quickly to the much needed final double dart. Excitingly, the Probus team slowly caught up and against the play, were blessed with a really lucky final double to win the match. Mary Dick from the Kings Arms and John Pearce (Probus) ran a raffle which resulted in some £300 going to Alzheimer’s Dawlish Group and £100 to Friends of Teignmouth Hospital.
Teignmouth Probus’s Press Officer, Rick Purnell said ‘What great fun was had by all and helped others too. Thank you Garath & Tina Uzzell of the Kings Arms for your support in hosting, Dart & partners for the trophies, Tina & John for the raffle and all the teams and supporters for taking part.’
The team members were:
Probus Club (Winners) – Malcolm Adams, John Polley, Keith Underhill, John Reynolds, David Head and Rick Purnell with supporters John Pearce, Steve Battersby & Roger Williams and wives.
The Jolly Sailor (Runners-up) – Kaz Faiers, Jane evans, Keaton Reynolds, Paul O’Brian & Paul Harrison.
Kings Arms – Tina Uzzell, Carol Lawley, Judeth Addyman, Margaret Davidson, Lisa Pengilley and Mary Dick (Raffle).
Dart & Partners Estate Agent (Trophy sponsors) – Chris & Mandy Hall, Lisa Courtier, Louise Putt, Jen Murray & Sam Schulberg
Oliver J Knapman Funeral Directors – Oliver & Andrew Knapman, Mike & Linda Slade and Bill & Dawn Garner
Teignmouth Social Club – Adam Dousing, Joanne Maxwell, Naomi & Phil and Joyce.
Our next speaker is by Norman Maudsley with a talk “Walking the Chin Hills, Myanmar”
Teignmouth Probus club meets at Richard Newton Hall Community Centre on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays at 10:00am
If any retired male readers in Teignmouth would like to know more about us, please visit our website: www.teignmouth-probus-club.org.uk
Photo: Malcolm Adams Probus Chairman (left) presenting Dart & Partners Runners-up trophy to The Jolly Sailor team (Centre) with John Polley Secretary Teignmouth Probus Club (Right) with the Dart & Partners Winners trophy.