New Team and Talk (7th March 2021)
Press Officer Rick Purnell reports........
New team for Teignmouth Probus Club
Our new Chairman for 2021 is Brian Laidler is a retired manager of Design Engineering, after 30 years working for a large engineering organisation in the USA, worked on projects from initial design to completion including, Hydroelectric power plant in Indonesia, Metal processing plants in Canada and Bahrain, Oil and gas production facilities both onshore and offshore in Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Persian Gulf & UK North Sea, to Oil refineries in India, Saudi Arabia and Chemical plants in China, USA & UK. A well-travelled individual. His team for the year is Keith Underhill (Vice-Chairman), John Polley (Secretary), Dave Kirk (Treasurer), Malcolm Adams & Stephen Battersby (Committee Members) with Peter Lewis as Speaker Finder and Rick Purnell as Press Officer. Peter Lewis has arranged a full programme of speakers for our twice a month meetings either by Zoom or returning to Richard Newton Hall Community Centre whenever that re-opens.
Our Secretary, John Polley who was a London Underground train driver as a second occupation later in life, gave a ‘Part Two’ lecture to the one presented 12 months ago, about the thrills and spills of being a ‘Tube’ driver. The vote of thanks was given by Malcolm Adams.