Memories of Old Torquay April 5th 2023
Press Officer Rick Purnell writes ….
Memories of Old Torquay
For our April meeting, Eric Walkom, a fellow Probian from Torquay has amassed a collection of old photographs of Torquay dating from 1870 to 1920’s. A montage of photos were projected conveying the life and times of that era. Torquay’s working harbour full of sailing boats bringing in wood & ice and taking emigrants to the USA. There were some spectacular shots of the 1910 Combined Fleet of more than 100 warships of all shapes and sizes in the deep water anchorage in the bay with a visit from Good King George to review the fleet. Submarines moored on the quayside of the inner harbour. Members were visually reminded of the many changes and loss of buildings over the years. Some locations were unrecognisable with so much redevelopment. An unusual and interesting presentation with the vote of thanks proposed by David Jeffery. The meeting ended early so members could attend the funeral of Mike Castell and those who couldn’t toasted his memory in the bar afterwards.
Teignmouth Probus Club members enjoyed a Spring Luncheon at Smugglers Dawlish enjoyed by all.